
Приказују се постови за август, 2023


Camus' The Stranger certainly belongs to the narrowest circle of novels that marked the 20th century, above all testifying to his ideological, philosophical and spiritual identity.  In his 1957 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Albert Camus explained the essential meaning of The Stranger: "I had a precise plan when I began my work: I wanted, above all, to express negation."  The meaning of The Stranger is close to the meaning of the essay The Myth of Sisyphus, which Camus published only six months later.  The essay on absurdity is based on man's inability to determine the meaning of life and set firm and unquestionable values ​​in it.  According to Camus, the universe is not absurd for a tree, but it is absurd for a man who is tormented by nostalgia for unity and hunger for the absolute.  Nostalgia is sadness for the homeland or longing for something that has passed.  However, for Camus' absurd man, the homeland h...


The 20th century witnessed a flourishing period in American drama, with numerous playwrights crafting impactful works that continue to captivate audiences to this day. This short reminder will delve into the works of prominent playwrights including Eugene O'Neill, Tennessee Williams, August Wilson, Arthur Miller, Sam Shepard, and David Mamet. Each of these writers contributed to the rich tapestry of American drama with their unique styles, themes, and narratives. Eugene O'Neill, often referred to as the father of American drama, explored the depths of human emotion and psychological turmoil. His plays, such as "Long Day's Journey into Night" and "Desire Under the Elms," unveiled the complexities of familial relationships and the human quest for meaning. O'Neill's characters grapple with addiction, regret, and the inherent struggles of existence, providing a raw and introspective look into the human psyche. "Our Town...


Dvadeseti vek je bio period procvata američke drame, sa brojnim dramskim piscima kao i upečatljivim delima koja do danas očaravaju publiku. Ovaj kratki podsetnik će se baviti delima istaknutih dramskih pisaca, uključujući Judžina O'Nila, Tenesija Vilijamsa, Avgusta Vilsona, Artura Milera, Sema Šeparda i Dejvida Mameta. Svaki od ovih pisaca je svojim jedinstvenim stilom, temama i narativima doprineo bogatoj tapiseriji američke drame. Judžin O'Nil, koji se često naziva ocem američke drame, istraživao je dubine ljudskih emocija i psihičkih previranja. Njegove drame, kao što su „Dugo putovanje u noć“ i „Čežnja pod brestovima“, otkrivale su složenost porodičnih odnosa i ljudsku potragu za smislom. O'Nilovi likovi se bore sa zavisnošću, žaljenjem i inherentnim porivom postojanja, pružajući sirov i introspektivan pogled na ljudsku psihu. "Naš grad" je drama u tri čina koju je kreirao američki dramaturg Tornton Vajlder 1938. godine. Edvard Olb...